Dark Chocolate, Roasted Almond, Brown Sugar
What goes up must come down! Gravity being the buzzkill that it is, that saying doesn’t work so well the other way around. We all need a little boost every now and then, and this invigorating Ethiopia/Nicaragua/Colombia blend is just the thing to uplift you. Notes of deep dark chocolate, roasted nut, and sweet brown sugar virtually guarantee that you'll land on love at first sip.
Profile DarkProducers Blonza General / UCA Miraflor Co-op / InConexus Grupo
Regions Yirgacheffe / Matagalpa / Huila
Process Washed
Elevation 1600 - 1900 masl
Variety Various
Harvest Sep-Dec
An exhilarating blend of traceable Ethiopian, Nicaraguan, and Colombian coffees.
Available in 12 oz, 2 lb & 5 lb