Our regular price is the lowest price found among all competitors.
OhhMyGoodness offers professional landscape products... seed, fertilizer, insecticides / herbicides... at great value to make your lawn the best in the neighborhood. OhhMyGoodness also sells landscape and fruit trees and shrubs as well as all the needed fertilizers and insecticides / herbicides for vibrant health to make them flourish! You must treat both the soil and the plant for great results!
Athletic Pro Seed Mix is an outstanding, economical blend of KY Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass, producing a beautiful turf lawn and designed for over seeding sports turf and lawns: Athletic Pro contains Quartz KY Bluegrass, Rockstar KY Bluegrass, Palmer 3 Perennial Rye, Santium Perennial Rye and Umpqua Perennial Rye.
Quartz Kentucky Bluegrass is dark green, medium dense with excellent turf quality and wear tolerance. It is an outstanding performer under summer stress, and persists indefinitely under demanding turf grass conditions. Quartz KY Blue is lower growing, requiring less frequent mowing. Superior heat and drought tolerance.
Rockstar KY Bluegrass is an improved variety of bluegrass with excellent early spring green-up, fine leaves, & is the fastest establishing speed of KY Bluegrass.
Palmer III Perennial Ryegrass is elite, heat and humidity tolerant with improved resistance to gray leaf spot and to a number of leaf and crown feeding pests. It is highly recommended for permanent turfs and heavy traffic lawns.
From the ‘Grass Seed Capitol of the World’, Santiam perennial ryegrass is versatile, fast starting, & produces an attractive perennial turf. Its medium dark green color with a medium fine leaf, Santiam is best used for home lawns, industrial lawns, fairways, tees and roughs.
Umpqua is a Rutgers developed, “State of the Art” new perennial ryegrass, which exhibits elite, versatile, fast starting, attractive perennial turf, very resistant to Gray Leaf Spot.
Disease Resistance and Stress Tolerance:
Broad overall disease resistance and stress tolerance. Outstanding resistance to brown patch, and very good resistance to both leaf spot and net blotch. Proven excellent in high traffic areas in New Jersey.
Seeding and Establishment:
Recommended seeding times are early to mid spring (good) or late summer to early fall (best). Normally seedlings will emerge in 8 – 12 days after planting and the first mowing can be expected in 3 – 5 weeks.
A mowing height between 1.25 – 3.5 inches is ideal but lower and higher cutting heights can be tolerated.
Directions for Use
3 to 5 lbs / 1000 sq ft March through early May or September through October
"A home valued at $150,000 with lawn only could be worth $8,250 to $19,050 more with a landscape of color and large plants. The multi-state study found minimal landscapes (simple design with small plants) detracted from the value. Research data showed home price premiums increased 6 to 7 percent for home landscapes upgraded from good to excellent and 4 to 5 percent for an upgrade from average to good. Combined, a landscape upgrade from average to excellent increases home value by 10 to 12 percent." Turf Magazine, 2016