Our regular price is the lowest price found among all competitors.
OhhMyGoodness offers professional products at great value to make your lawn look like a well manicured golf course as well as help your trees and shrubs flourish! You must treat both the soil and the plant for professional results.
Dylox rescues and protects lawns and turf providing fast-acting control of insects. Dylox controls on contact and works immediately after irrigation or rainfall, and penetrates thatch up to 1/2-inch thick when watered properly, providing control within 24 hours. There are no restrictions regarding turf species or sites for landscape and recreational.
- Provides rapid curative control in as little as 24 HRS
- Highly effective for a longer period than competitive products
Coverage 30 lb bag covers 10000 square feet
"A home valued at $150,000 with lawn only could be worth $8,250 to $19,050 more with a landscape of color and large plants. The multi-state study found minimal landscapes (simple design with small plants) detracted from the value. Research data showed home price premiums increased 6 to 7 percent for home landscapes upgraded from good to excellent and 4 to 5 percent for an upgrade from average to good. Combined, a landscape upgrade from average to excellent increases home value by 10 to 12 percent." Turf Magazine, 2016