Small Sweet Sugar Pie is the standard for baking pumpkin types. Average weight is 5-7 lbs. The flesh can be used for baking and the seeds can be roasted for snacks.
OMG's favorite sugar pumpkin recipe courtesy of executive chef Avalon Zanoni: Remove pumpkin top so you can place it back on. Hollow the pumpkin, wash it and par bake it. Prepare and stuff french toast into the pumpkin. We love ours made with challah bread, bourbon and marinated raisins. Decorate the pumpkin with icing. Finish baking the pumpkin / cooking the french toast inside... the icing runs but looks great. Serve with top on the pumpkin. Kids love removing the top and eating the french toast and the cooked pumpkin! Maybe add a little whipped cream or marshmallow after removing the top. If the pumpkin is still intact, wash it out and use it again to serve pumpkin soup or stuffed with ground beef or oatmeal or mashed pumpkin!